Reservations are available online via OpenTable within (14) days

Our online reservations system opens daily at midnight (12:00am)

Our largest table seats up to (10) guests

To be notified of cancellations, engage the ‘Set Alert’ feature on our OpenTable profile

Separate reservations may not be combined to create larger parties

Seating Types:

  • Standard – Main Dining Room
  • Bar – Bar Seats at the Bar

When booking reservations, please include children & infants in the party size

Kindly call us to request an increase in party size

A fifteen minute grace period is allotted to your reservation time

All cancellations and/or reductions in party size made less than 48 hours in advance are subject to a charge of $75 per guest

Party reductions of 50% or more may result in a reservation forfeiture

Reserved dining times for each party size are as follows:

  • Parties of TWO & THREE2 hours
  • Parties of FOUR, FIVE, SIX & SEVEN2.5 hours
  • Parties of EIGHT, NINE & TEN3 hours

Our corkage fee is $75 per 750ml bottle with a maximum of 2 bottles per table

We do not allow cakes, pastries & desserts to be brought into the restaurant

Do not bring decorations, decor or other items into the restaurant

If you have questions regarding your booking, kindly contact
our reservationists at or by calling us directly at 416.964.8686

Visit our sister restaurant Giulietta
at / @giulietta972

Visit our sister restaurant Giulietta
at / @giulietta972
